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AV Voice Changer Software Diamond Edition 7.0.47

تغير الاصوات اثناء المحادثه في المايك ، تغيير الصوت في الكمبيوتر،تغيير الاصوات بالمحادثات ،غير صوتك كما تشاء بتاثيرات وخلفيات جميلة جدا وتكلم بصوت بنت او امرأة
او عجوز او رجل بكامل المميزات

Chat can be a fun way to pass the time, especially if you are willing to play pranks on your buddies. For instance, you can use AV Voice Changer Software Diamond Edition to modify your voice pitch and sound like a man if you are woman and vice-versa.

Needless to say, these are not the only changes you can bring to your voice. You can also choose to sound like a boy, a girl, an old woman or an old man. After making your selection, you can continue fine-tuning your voice by manually adjusting the pitch and timbre until you are satisfied with the result – the equalizer can also come in handy for these additional modifications.


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